...Една малка фирма във времето
Айс Пийк присъства отскоро в българското интернет пространство, но за краткото си съществуване успешно популяризира своите проекти сред българските потребители – както еднолични така и бизнес потребители.
Charitable Campaigns
...everybody needs some help
The number of casualties after the deadly earthquake in Haiti has grown to hundreds of thousands of people and the number of the ones suffering to about 3 million. Haiti is an very poor country that will face a long period of recuperation. Organizations, world-wide, has joined efforts to help in the most vital activities such as: saving people, caught under the wreckage and providing temporary shelter, food, drinking water and medicines.
IcePique has given full support to the “Bulgarian Charities Aid Foundation” (BCAF) in its campaign “I help Haiti too” that is endorsed by international foundations and organizations. The campaign will last for 6 months, during which IcePique will be displaying its banner in the amount of 300 000 impressions monthly and thus will be raising the awareness for the campaign.